Changelog (Backup Manager)

Be sure to not miss out on new features and improvements! 🚀

0.2.2 - October 1st 2021


  • Code refactor has been done

  • UI improvements

Backup Area:

  • Code refactor has been done

  • Global scheduler has been implemented for specific backup dates


  • Direct email notification function added

Connection Area:

  • Config file moved to local database

  • Encryption method augmented for config file located in local database

  • Code refactor has been done

Blockchain Broadcast:

  • Upload code has been refactored

  • Blockchain broadcast has been improved in terms of latency and consistency

TCMP Update: (TransferChain Management Portal)

  • Admin panel has been impleneted for B2B clients

  • Test version is synchronized with the Application

  • Code refactor has been done


  • New Backup type Oracle has been added for database selection

  • Multiple UI improvements

  • Basic Log system has been impleneted

0.2.1 - July 1st 2021


  • Mnemonic Key download added for B2B users

  • Login and Dashboard now fixed accordingly

  • UI improvements

Connection Area:

  • Test connection function added. Users now can verify their backups after starting the Job

  • Choose your database filter added

  • UI improvements

Backup Area:

  • Total DB size can now be seen by the user in Job Summary

  • Total number of successful backups are now can be seen by the user in Job area


  • SMTP function removed, direct email is available for reminder section

  • Slack reminder test function removed


  • New Backup type MsSQL - Compact has been added

  • Multiple UI improvements

  • Schedule system improvements.

0.1.3 - April 26th 2021


  • New Backup type PostgreSQL has been added

  • New Backup type MySQL has been added

  • Backups can now be backed up to local discs as well.

  • Backup Verify feature has been added. In addition to the standard verification feature, this new addition runs the received backup on a different source to validate it's accuracy

  • Personal backup has been added along with the scripting backup

  • Multiple UI improvements

  • Schedule system improvements.

  • Backup types are now Microsoft OS, Linux and Mac OS compatible

  • Additional information related to the Backups have been added (status updates, success messages etc.)

0.0.1 - Hello World

Last updated